sábado, 14 de abril de 2018






1. Catambuco (Corregimiento).

Resultado de imagen para catambuco


Name: Catambuco.
Foundation: 21/DEC/1935.
Temperature: 12º C.
Location:  Panamericana Highway (8 kilometer from Pasto).
Economy: livestock and agriculture. 
Population: 8000 people. 
Gastronomy Traditions: Cuy, Mazamorra, Frito Pastuso, Roasted cob.
Holidays: December 12: To celebrate the tribute to Mary, the lady of                                Guadalupe (from Mexico). 
                January 20: To celebrate the date when the people from Catambuco                  accepted to Mary such as the patroness that represents them. 
Famous Legend: In the century XIX, some merchants, let in charge a wood box when they passed for Catambuco, but they never come back to bring it, the families of Catambuco wanted to open the box with an ax, but that action wasn't necessary because the box opened by itself showing to Mary, the Lady of Guadalupe, who then, she pass to be the patroness of Catambuco. 

Description: Catambuco is a corregimiento (a place located in the side of a city, in this case, Pasto) we can enjoy there with our families and friends, Catambuco is the perfect place if you want to eat CUY,  a traditional dish of NARIÑO, you can accompanied it by popcorn, potatoes with a peanut sauce, a Cigarra (soda), you can eat many foods there, for example, mazamorra (corn with milk and sugar), or frito, bits of pig meat, every time that I come back to Catambuco I feel the beauty of the place in which I born. Ah, I don't want to forget to tell you that in the same time that you are eating, you can play in a super fun game that is called "Sapo", Sapo consists in throw some point and score points Also, you can go to pray to a very beautiful church known by the name of "Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe". Sometimes, in Catambuco, fairs and fest are celebrated, you can enjoy music, food, handcrafts. You can take beauty pictures there.


I will focus on the cultural place of Nariño, because I want to motivate you to visit us, I would like share the beautiful experiences that I had in some places and I want to do that you can enjoy the same things that I lived when I went to these places. 


1. Catambuco (Corregimiento): 
Resultado de imagen para catambuco fotos

2. El Tambo:

Resultado de imagen para EL TAMBO NARIÑO

3. Chachagüí: 

Imagen relacionada

4. El Encano:  

Imagen relacionada

5. Las Lajas: 

Resultado de imagen para LAS LAJAS ARTE

martes, 3 de abril de 2018


Hello Dear Traveler! 

Welcome to my blog...

My name is Dayana, I am from Pasto, a very beautiful city in the Southern part of one of the most happy country, Colombia! 

I had never gone to visit other countries, maybe, because I haven't have the chance, but I promise that I will be a traveler, someone that is always curious and surprised about the world, about its things, about its people, about everything. 

Perhaps, I didn't have the possibility to travel around the world, there are many reasons for don't take a trip, sometimes, mainly, because we don't have money, or because we don't want to leave alone our families... 

I haven't been a world's traveler, but I am a life's traveler, if this is allowed me to write, I will show you, using this blog, a little part of my land, of NARIÑO, of me. Now, that I am here, writing, I should say you that I am not an expert about trips, but I want you to get carried away by magic, in a special and a magical adventure that me, a simple universe's dreamer, a stars' fan is excited to motivate you to live a new experience in the place that I love, NARIÑO.